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Counseling Corner

CMS Counselors


Vanessa Williams, M. Ed.

7th Grade Academic Counselor

Mrs. Cutrer
Margaret Cutrer, M.Ed.  
8th Grade Academic Counselor  


Mrs. Payne

Amber Payne, LPC, M.Ed.

Student Support Counselor


CMS Counselors

Vanessa Williams, Margaret Cutrer & Amber Payne

  Welcome to the CMS Counseling Center!

The counselors at Corsicana Middle School are here to assist you in any way we can! We are a student-centered office where our ultimate goals are to help students have a successful middle school experience and to prepare all students for high school and beyond!

  What Do CMS Counselors Do?

School counselors play an important role in shaping successful students. This involves working with students academically, behaviorally, socially, and emotionally. The following are just some ways that we assist students:

  • Help students deal with and diffuse problems brought into school from home and outside the classroom;
  • Set up parent-teacher conferences;
  • Provide academic and career guidance for students 
  • Work with students to develop positive habits and attitudes;
  • Foster and maintain parental involvement.
  • Assist students in gaining life skills such as organization, time management, teamwork, and study skills.




Helpful Links

University HQ's Psychology and Counseling Careers Guide


Do you think you might be interested in a career within the psychology or counseling fields? Head over to this link for an overview of jobs available and pathways to obtaining that very career you are dreaming about!

Commons Sense Media

Common Sense is the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. We empower parents, teachers, and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help them harness the power of media and technology as a positive force in all kids’ lives.

Media and technology are at the very center of all our lives today -- especially our children’s.  Kids today spend over 50 hours of screen time every week. The media content they consume and create has a profound impact on their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development.  Learning how to use media and technology wisely is an essential skill for life and learning in the 21st century. But parents, teachers, and policymakers struggle to keep up with the rapidly changing digital world in which our children live and learn.  Now more than ever, they need a trusted guide to help them navigate a world where change is the only constant. 

Parent Insight to Self-Harm

This is a site that will help parents understand when students turn to self-harm as a coping mechanism.

Skills Employers Wish College Grads Had

This article emphasizes the importance of strong communication and interpersonal skills in the current marketplace.  Great article to help students learn to put down their phone and learn the importance of written and verbal communication. 

Girls Health

A very girl and parent friendly website from the U.S. Department of Health that covers many topics from drugs and bullying to illness and nutrition. A good starting point for a parent-daughter chat on difficult topics.

Love and Logic

Love and Logic provides simple and easy techniques to help parents have more fun and less stress when raising responsible kids of all ages!

Tips for Being Successful At CMS!   
1.) Come to school EVERY DAY!       
The #1 indicator for school success is attendance!   
2.) Get Involved!       
Get involved in extracurricular activities like band, athletics, art club, or student council.  It is a great way to get connected to the school, meet new friends, and develop self-confidence.    
3.) Get ORGANIZED!       
At CMS, it is important to be organized to be successful!  In order to keep up with everything, it is important to start out   and stay organized.   
4.) Be Social....but Not Too Social!       
It is important to have fun with friends but don't let your friends distract you from your priorities in the classroom.
5.) Be the Best You Can Be Every Day!      
Come to school each day with the goal to work hard, try hard, and be AWESOME!

CMS encourages our students to 

See Something

Hear Something

Say Something

If they hear that another student is hurting themselves, plans to hurt themselves, has a weapon, and/or has intent to hurt others.

Find a trusted adult such as a:






see something


Is it Bullying?

If a student at CMS feels they have been bullied or have witnessed bullying, please use the Bullying Checklist below to see if what happened qualfies as bullying.  If it does, use the CISD Quick Tip App to report it or notifiy a CMS Counselor or Administrator as soon as possible.


Bullying Checklist


**A CMS student can report bullying or harassment by talking to an adult at school or completing this form and returning it to an assistant principal or counselor. A student can place this form in the school's drop off spot for anonymous reporting in the front office if they are more comfortable in this manner.  All bullying claims are taken seriously, so when reporting, we do ask students to be as specific as possible for investigation purposes.**

CMS Bullying Report Form

Please click on this link to see the mental health map for our area:

Mandatory Advisory Lessons to Discuss with Your Students

David's Law: Bullying and Cyberbullying

Suicide Prevention

Applying the Bullying Checklist and How to Report

This presentation walks students through how to use the Texas State Bullying Checklist and report any suspected bullying.